NOTATIONS DE CRÉDIT & analyse des DONNÉES ÉCONOMIQUES pour les marchés financiers

Bank Credit Rating

We have a methodology to estimates of how likely a bank is to default or go out of business. These formulas typically originate from the bank’s capital, asset quality, management, earnings, liquidity, and sensitivity to market risk

Corporate credit rating

A company's corporate credit rating indicates its relative ability to pay its creditors.
As an independent rating agency we provide an opinion regarding the likelihood that a corporation will fully meet its financial obligations as they come due.

The municipal sector represents a market segment that is interesting for investors from the aspect of multiplicity of investment opportunities and development potential. We provide service to municipalities and evaluate, on an independent basis, risks related to its ability and willingness to comply with its future liabilities.

Insurance Companies Rating

We consider both qualitative and quantitative factors when evaluating an insurer. A quantitative assessment using our long-term credit scale and stress testing considering factors such as the insurer's loss reserves. A quantitative score based on factors like the insurer's balance sheet, its company profile and risk management strategies

Bonds Rating

Our long-term bond ratings are applicable to both specific corporate financial contracts, bank obligations and municipality bonds with an original maturity in excess of one year. Short-term issue ratings are generally assigned to financial obligations with an original maturity of up to one year.

Souvereigns Credit Rating

Sovereign ratings have become increasingly important as countries around the world tap the international bond markets. At the request of the country, we provide an independent assessment of its creditworthiness taking into account political risk, regulatory risk and other unique factors to determine its rating in local currency.


eWatch Africa’s R&D analysts are working on an independent benchmarks that investors need to feel more confident about their investment and strategic decisions on the Central African Stock Exchange (BVMAC), The unique capital market for the six countries (Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Equatorial Guinea and Gabon).

The Ewatch Investors’ indexes will capture the top largest and most liquid publicly traded stocks and bonds across Central African Stock Exchange (BVMAC), ranking them by market capitalization and by liquidity as measured by the average daily value traded in FCFA. The Ewatch indices will be founded on Bloomberg and Reuters and will be licensed to fund managers.

Our Vision

To become an internationally renowned credit rating agency, consolidating our leadership in the market by generating confidence in investment decision-making.

our principle

We work with a highly qualified team that has the experience and resources to provide great added value to the ratings that we issue.

Our values

The search for rigorousness in our ratings is the value that best defines us as a company. We offer an effective, ethical and excellent service.


Our agency objectives are intended to contribute to the development of a more efficient capital market.