
As an independent and recognized regional credit rating agency, all our activities are consistently and permanently oriented on the one hand towards the rules and regulations of the financial market regulatory authority (COSUMAF) of the Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (CEMAC) and on the other hand towards internationally relevant compliance standards from the following institutions:

  • International Organization of Securities Commissions IOSCO
  • Basel Committee on Banking Supervision BCBS
  • Financial Stability Board of G20 FSB
  • European Securities and Markets Authority ESMA

As part of our disclosure obligations, we publish the operational implementation of the various regulatory requirements:
For a credit rating agency, the continuous review and development of the rating models it uses is of central importance. The suitability of a rating model for rating purposes is measured both by its consistency with current findings in the economic literature and by the results of statistical model validation. We use a range of test procedures to validate the forecasting quality, calibration quality, and discriminatory power of our rating models.

Need a copy of our ratings methodologies ?